Tomorrow we see the start of the BetVictor Shoot out where we see 128 players competing from the Thursday 4th to Sunday 7th Feb which is going to be hosted at Milton Keynes

The reigning champion is Michael Holt who won the Shoot Out at the Watford Colosseum in February 2020, beating Zhou Yuelong in the final.

The Betvictor Shoot Out is a ranking tournament, which has been running since 2011. The event has a unique set of rules, with matches lasting a maximum of ten minutes and a shot clock of 15 seconds for the first five minutes and ten seconds for the last five. This makes for some very tense performances .

The shootout features 128 players in a flat draw, each needing to win seven matches to take the title.

Here is the full run down on all of the players competing for the winner Trophy and a cheque for £50,000

Lee WalkervAshley Carty
John HigginsvScott Donaldson
Yan BingtaovBarry Pinches
Rebecca KennavSimon Lichtenberg
Billy Joe CastlevMark Selby
Ken DohertyvGraeme Dott
Jack LisowskivPeter Devlin
Si JiahuivReanne Evans
Steven HallworthvDeclan Lavery
Stuart CarringtonvConnor Benzey
Martin O’DonnellvBen Woollaston
Liang WenbovGao Yang
Brian OchoiskivEden Sharav
Jak JonesvBen Hancorn
Kyren WilsonvRobbie McGuigan
Dean YoungvRiley Parsons
Pang JunxuvJamie Clarke
Ryan DayvMatthew Selt
Nigel BondvSoheil Vahedi
Aaron HillvAndy Hicks
Luo HonghaovAlexander Ursenbacher
Luca BrecelvShaun Murphy
Farakh AjaibvHossein Vafaei
Iulian BoikovJordan Brown
Chris WakelinvIgor Figueiredo
Thepchaiya Un-NoohvBrandon Sargeant
Ali CartervMark Williams
David GracevLu Ning
Joe PerryvPaul S Davison
Joe O’ConnorvLeo Fernandez
Elliot SlessorvDaniel Wells
David LilleyvLyu Haotian
Martin GouldvKurt Maflin
Alan McManusvFan Zhengyi
Oliver LinesvRobbie Williams
Amine AmirivLouis Heathcote
Ricky WaldenvXiao Guodong
Andrew HigginsonvMark Joyce
Yuan SiJunvTom Ford
Gary WilsonvBarry Hawkins
Chen ZifanvMark Davis
Duane JonesvSean Maddocks
Jamie JonesvMichael Holt
Zhou YuelongvIan Burns
Mark AllenvJimmy Robertson
David GilbertvLei Peifan
Matthew StevensvFergal Quinn
Fraser PatrickvGerard Greene
Allan TaylorvJackson Page
Zhao XintongvPeter Lines
Michael WhitevMark King
Sunny AkanivDominic Dale
Sam CraigievAshley Hugill
Li HangvJames Cahill
Anthony HamiltonvRobert Milkins
Zhao JianbovDylan Emery
Chang BingyuvNoppon Saengkham
Tian PengfeivMitchell Mann
Xu SivJimmy White
Rory McLeodvStuart Bingham
Kacper FilipiakvZak Surety
Liam HighfieldvRod Lawler
Jamie O’NeillvAlex Borg
Jamie WilsonvLukas Kleckers