Jimmy Robertson

Jimmy Robertson also known as the Bexhill Warrior is the 2018 European masters champion. Robertson was a very talented junior winning several prestigious events and winning the most decorated amateur tournament of them all in 2009 the English amateur championship with a 9-8 victory over David Craggs in the final.

Jimmy was also a very talented footballer having trials at several clubs but decided to give his full attention to snooker and this was a decision that has proven to be a fruitful one.

Robertson reached a highest ranking of 21 after his excellent ranking event success in Lommel Belgium where he lifted his first ranking title by beating Joe Perry 9-6 in the final but the next two year’s didn’t go the way he expected and he openly stated that the pressure of expectation after winning the European masters wore heavy on his shoulders and he didn’t handle this the way he should of.

The 2020/21 season was a pivotal one in Jimmy’s career as he only secured his tour place with a win against China’s Zhao Jianbo in the last event of the season and he knew he had to make some fundamental changes to get back into the top 32 where he belongs.

Jimmy has now joined Elite Sports Management and his form has had a drastic turnaround and he currently sits at number 5 on the one year list and has and end of season ranking of well inside the top 32.
Jimmy has stated in many interviews that being part of a stable including world champions Mark Selby and Stuart Bingham has hugely inspired him and he will look to learn as much as possible off of his stable mates and continue to climb the rankings.

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2023年2月20日 世界斯诺克威尔士公开赛落幕,米尔金斯全场打出7杆50+,9-7击败墨菲,夺得个人第2座排名赛冠军,这一举夺魁为其带来巨大收入,获得8万英镑冠军奖金,领走伟德系列赛15万英镑额外大奖,世界排名升至前16,超有希望以种子身份直通今年克鲁斯堡。 决赛第一回合,双方发挥平分秋色,墨菲在前四局中以3-1领先,米尔金斯后来居上3-3追平。此后,两人打出单杆制胜各取一局,比分定格4-4结束首阶段。 决赛第二回合,米尔金斯率先迎来小小爆发,打出4杆50+拿下前六局中的四局胜利,8-6掠夺赛点。第15局,墨菲轰出破百114分挽救一个赛点,7-8逼迫比分。 米尔金斯当然不会轻易被上演追平和逆转,在第16局打出单杆64分,9-7锁定胜果,夺得个人第2座排名赛冠军,成为史上第40位拿到两次及以上排名赛冠军球员。 这位46岁的格洛斯特球员在转入职业27年后,如今两个赛季终迎来第二春,早前的直布罗陀公开赛夺冠,令其状态一发不可收拾,并延续至威尔士公开赛。 米尔金斯凭借本次夺冠收入满满当当,不但获得8万英镑冠军奖金,更是收获了伟德系列赛给出的15万英镑额外大奖,并很有希望出席下个月的巡回锦标赛。 世界排名上升至第16位,2023年冠中冠席位是百分百锁定了,还有4月份在英国谢菲尔德举行的世界锦标赛,米尔金斯非常有希望通过种子身份直登克鲁斯堡。 历届冠军:1992年:斯蒂芬·亨德利 9-3 达伦·摩根1993年:肯·达赫迪 9-7 阿兰·麦克马努斯1994年:史蒂夫·戴维斯 9-6…



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2月6日 2023世界斯诺克德国大师赛在柏林腾普杜音乐中心落幕。卡特在决赛中完美发挥,轰出1杆破百和8杆50+,10-3横扫福德,打破将近7年冠军荒,夺得个人职业第5座排名赛冠军,世界排名重返TOP16,锁定几项福利赛事席位。 决赛第1阶段,福德在开场首局就轰出破百并连胜两局,2-0取得领先。此后,卡特迎来状态爆发,连胜六局且在期间打出7杆50+,将比分以6-2反超。第9局,福德率先上手完成单杆50分,并实现超5分,但卡特不愿放弃,选择做斯诺克,然而双方在经过一番防守过后,福德解球犯规,卡特获得首个罚分,此时桌面还被超1分,卡特多次尝试做球未果,直至最后福德将粉球推到袋口,卡特逼于无奈选择握手,福德艰难追回一成,3-6结束半场。 决赛第2阶段,福德并没有明显的改变,状态反而越来越糟糕,连单杆50+都难以寻求,更像是被打懵圈了一样。对手卡特愈战愈勇,很快就祭出四连鞭,期间共2杆50+,总比分10-3横扫福德,夺得本届德国大师赛冠军。 卡特历经快7年的排名赛冠军荒,今终于王者归来,在职业生涯第11次闯入排名赛决赛后,拿到了个人第5座排名赛冠军,并终结了自己的排名赛决赛三连败,世界排名升至第15位,时隔4个赛季,重返TOP16。单赛季排名来到第4位,并锁定球员锦标赛,巡回锦标赛,冠中冠席位。奖金&分布(英镑)冠军 阿里-卡特 80,000亚军 汤姆-福德 35,000四强 杰克-利索夫斯基 17,500四强 罗伯特-米尔金斯 17,500八强 凯伦-威尔逊…